Saturday, November 19, 2011

Awnings for Decks

Awning for Home Sun Protection
Awnings for home is an important outdoor furniture that can help you to remove the strong and hot lights from the sun. Especially in the noon and in Malaysia, sun rays can really bring alot of heat onto your backyard. At home to enjoy the outdoor and yet remove the strong sun rays in the afternoon, awnings for your backyard is a good solution. Furthermore it can help to protect you and your family from the harmful ultraviolet rays that can cause skin damages.

Awnings for Decks Against Rain

Good awnings for decks and patios are manufactured using superb sun protection materials. Not only it protects you from the harmful rays, it also acts as a shelter from the rain. This is useful whenever you have a party organized many weeks ahead but the rain is an unpredictable event. Even when the rain comes suddenly, the awnings can help to save your party and items from getting wet.

Awnings Styles
There are few types of awnings. One of the most common used awnings is a side mounted type. The mounting is usually at one side, so that the shelter can maximize the space for things and people in the center. It may need permanent fixing to your side of the house to create a strong support against the unknown wind and rain that might shake the awnings loose. Anyway the awnings acts as a nice decoration to your home furniture too. If you do not like to have your awnings exposed everyday, there are also the retractable awnings that can be retracted for keeping. This method has an advantage that can help to maintain awning for home use. The awning is not used everyday and retracting it will keep it cleaner. Some locations have irritating birds that might put some of their drops onto your awning and that can be ugly. Retracting your awnings can keep it free from bird droppings. 

Awnings Material
Awnings material are basically the support and the shield. The support is usually made of metal which is a strong material to hold the awnings umbrella. Since the awning is an outdoor furniture, it is important to get a good awnings for home use. The metal is usually rust resistant or rust free. Such metal used are like aluminum or stainless steel. Cheap awnings for home may use low cost metal that can rust over the months and finally weaken and breakdown and you will need to buy a new awnings. For the awnings umbrella, the material used are canvas or acrylic. Do make sure that your umbrella material are water proof and also UV protection awning umbrella.
Awnings for home Installation
Awnings design has evolved over the years and it has been design to be as easy as diy awnings. Typical awnings for home can be install just by sliding into the slot bracket that can be fixed to your house wall. Simple and it also comes with instructions to be fail safe. If you are not sure, you can ask their installer to help you by paying a small installation fee.
After reading this article, you may start scouting for your awnings for home use.

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